Dry skin occurs when the air outside is cold causing the water in our bodies to evaporate quicker. This leaves our skin feeling dry, tight and certainly not ready for that cute dude you just matched with, on Tinder! But don’t fret, honey, we’ve got you!
With so many people to see and so many things to do, why not bump dry skin to the bottom of your freak-out list. Sorbet has 10 quick and easy tips that will keep your skin fab and fresh throughout this season!
- Oil me up, baby!
It’s a classic for a reason! A good tissue-oil boosts skin rejuvenation, improved scar and stretchmark appearance and, most of all, it rehydrates your skin this winter! If you aren’t keen to oil up, then add a couple drops of tissue oil into your favorite body lotion, and presto – it’s hydration without the hassle, for the whole body. Try the Sorbet’s Salon Skin Facial Tissue Oil – a real winner for a slick and soft skin.
- Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise!
The key to avoiding flaky and tight skin this winter is to up the ante and moisturise double time now. This means, continue your regular day and night regime but, how about trying a moisture rich night cream to enrich your sleep and recovery period. Trust us, your skin will thank you today, tomorrow and anywhere in between.
- Put your hands up!
Did you know the skin on your hands, elbows, knees and feet are thinner than the other parts of your body? True story. A handy tip: make sure your hands (and the other vulnerables) are constantly moisturised. Make sure these babies get a lot of love this season.
- Insert water here…
You’ve heard it all your life and it’s possibly the cure to every known ailment out there-yes even old age- water! Experts say up to 8 glasses of water a day is a must – because everybody knows a happy, hydrated human means softer, supple skin. Drink up!
- It’s not too late to exfoliate!
That dreaded moment when your facial therapist asks you, under the criminal glare of the magnifying lamp, you know the one: “So, how often do you exfoliate?” You hit a blank, and try scramble for a million excuses. We’ve all been there!
Your dead skin cell-count is higher than normal due to the lack of moisture in the air. Dead cells mean that moisture cannot enter the skin, which makes more dead cells…do you see the cycle here? So next time your friendly therapist asks you the big question, you can proudly look her in the eye. Enough said.
- Is it hot in here or is it just me?
When you crank up the indoor heating, consider your skin going from pretty princess to crypt-keeper in 0,5 seconds. Hot air absorbs moisture leaving your skin feeling tight and blotchy. The solution is to drag out your humidifier and let it work it’s magic, while you catch up on your beauty sleep. Or Plan B-you can lower the heating and warm up with a steaming cup of hot cocoa instead.
- All about that Serum
If you don’t already have a favorite serum, now is definitely the time to get one. It’s a great light moisturiser that won’t clog up your pores. If you aren’t ready to commit to a full bottle just yet, then try out the Sorbet Hydrating 2-step Mask with Serum. A nourishing test drive that won’t let you down.
- The sunscreen dream.
Use a cream like the Sorbet Sun Protector Face Cream SPF 50 and the extra moisturising wont hurt anyone either!
- Loco for Coconut!
Coconut oil seems to be the latest and greatest ingredient in essentially anything. Eating it, is great for your body, but also applying it to your skin will reduce the appearance of wrinkles, get rid of dead skin cells and hydrate your skin beautifully-not to mention, you now smell like a tropical vacation!
- Fancy a spot of tea?
Green tea is the bee’s knees, cat’s meow and the monkey’s eyebrows! It helps with rehydration, weight loss, bloating, anti-aging, heart problems; dental strength-the list goes on and on. The perfect cup of love for rocking out your moisture, from the inside out. Polly, put the kettle on!
So there you have it, 10 awesome tips for an awesome flake-free winter. If you’re hydration obsessed then head to your nearest Sorbet Salon and check out the entire Sorbet Hydrating range. Psst! And for the flaky friend sitting next to you, be a dahl, and send this article on to her too.